VITREK is a world leader in providing hipot test equipment – one of the best hipot testers in the market.
Test & Measurement Products including electrical hipot testing equipment, multi-point hipot switching systems, graphical power analysers, electronic DC loads, compliance test management software.
VITREK also supplies precision hipot measurement standards to national laboratories and calibration labs around the world.
This unique, and complementary, combination of product and engineering capabilities positions VITREK as a leading provider of test solutions serving a variety of industries including electrical and appliance manufacturing, photovoltaic, medical equipment, power conversion, military, aerospace, industrial manufacturing/production and research, design, and process development markets.
Excerpt from our range
95X Series Hipot Testers
More Speed, More Power, Better Resolution, More Functionality
For Demanding Hipot Tests
The 6.5KVDC models offer 50mA of source current for DC Hipot – providing the power you need to rapidly charge and discharge challenging DUTs. Models are also available with DC Hipot up to 11KV and 15KV. Most of the 95x series also offer 50mA of sourcing for AC Hipot, but for heavier AC loads the 95X can be configured to source up to 100mA or even as much as 200mA. For higher AC Hipot voltages the 95X can generate up to 10KV internally and all models are available with an external 30KVAC Hipot option.
When it comes to making critical leakage current measurements, the 95X delivers rock-solid resolution down to 100 pico-amps. This high resolution provides built-in insulation resistance measurement (IR) up to a Tera-ohm, add a 4-wire milli-ohmmeter with auto ranging up to 100K ohm and an available 40 Amp Ground Bond function – and you are beginning to understand the versatility of the Vitrek 95X Series.
Need To Hipot Multiple Test Points?
The 95X can directly control up to four 64 channel HV scanners, right out of the box. That is up to 256 test points and using a PC with Vitrek’s QuickTest Pro software you can expand the count up to 640 test points. The HV Switching System of choice is the Vitrek 964i which can hold eight 8 channel switching cards – available in 7, 10 & 15 KV ratings. The 964i also has switching cards to handle routing up to 40 Amp ground bond currents.

V7X Series Hipot Testers
The Hipot Experience has been Redefined
The V7X provides state-of-the-art performance in a powerful yet compact multi-function Hipot tester – and do it at an entry level price. From our easy-to-use Touch user interface to its ultra-reliability, high efficiency, fan free design – the V7X provides unrivalled performance.
V75 with Built-in Hipot Switching
For high voltage cable & component testing – choose the V75 with 16 channels of built-in high voltage switching. With the versatile V75, you can test Hipot or IR for any combination of up to 8 test points and you can measure low resistance (from .001 ohm to 60K ohms) on up to 8 conductors. All automatically with a single touch and all from a single compact tester. For requirements exceeding 8 points, the V7X can control up to 4 Vitrek 964i 64 channel HV Switching Systems – providing up to 256 channels of Hipot test capability. Simple, fast, automatic multi-point Hipot – make the switch to the Vitrek V7X.
PA920 Ultra-High Accuracy (0.024%) Precision Multi-Channel Harmonic Power Analysers
Industry’s Most Accurate Power Analyzer – Vitrek’s PA920 Series power analysers are the industry’s most powerful and accurate power analyser. The PA920 offers 0.024% power accuracy, the fastest available on the market today. All Vitrek power analysers are easy to use with a full colour touchscreen enabling users to quickly and easily setup configurations, custom screens, and interface commands.
Maximize Flexibility – The PA920 power analysers offer expanded power analysis options. The PA920 offers 0.024% power for all channels and improved voltage and current self-heating adders over those of other power analysers. In addition, the PA920 provides easy channel selection for the user while offering 100 full precision readings per second and measurement bandwidths sufficient to handle 5 MHz waveforms.
Maximum Results – For tackling tough power factor, low phase angle and high crest factor loads, the PA920 power analysers are unbeatable. Offering full performance for crest factors as high as 100:1, the PA9xx series provides superior power measurement capabilities for the toughest power measurement applications.
Maximum Performance in a Variety of Applications – Design engineers are under constant pressure to increase efficiency and reduce excess product power consumption down to the last mW. Challenging programs like LED and HID lighting, solar panel energy output, efficiency testing on inverters and PWM motor drive systems on electric vehicles—all require fast, precise, reliable power measurement. The unequalled performance of the Vitrek PA910/920 gives you the competitive advantage—the ability to accurately capture the waveforms and power data you need to squeeze the last drop of extra energy out of your project.
Modular Design = Maximum Flexibility – The PA920 Series Power Analysers are available in both pre-configured models or can be purchased in a modular package to provide the performance you need at a price that meets your budget. A single PA920 offers 8 available channel combinations to meet your power analysis needs.
PA920 Only Channel Cards for use with PA920 Mainframe (0.024% Accuracy):
- UT Channel Card – Ultra-Precision Dual Shunt (1, 32A) Channel Card
- UX Channel Card – Ultra-Precision External Current Transducer Input Channel Card
- BT Channel Card – High Bandwidth Dual Shunt (1, 32A) Channel Card
- BX Channel Card – High Bandwidth External Current Transducer Channel Card
- KT Channel Card – Kilovolt (1.6kVrms Continuous) Dual Shunt (1, 32A) Channel Card
- KX Channel Card – Kilovolt (1.6kVrms Continuous) External Current Transducer Input Channel Card
- MT Channel Card – Motor Transducer Channel Card (Slot 4 only)
4700 Precision High Voltage Meter
The Vitrek 4700 Precision High Voltage Meter is the top choice when you require high voltage test equipment, the 4700 offers the highest level of measurement accuracy, yet is surprisingly easy to use. Vitrek has harnessed DSP technology to provide outstanding AC & DC voltage accuracy, stability and resolution. Performance that rivals traditional HV reference dividers, yet unlike the delicate HV divider, the 4700 provides instant, direct, high voltage measurements in a highly portable, compact and rugged bench top enclosure.
The 4700’s large, high resolution, colour, touch graphic display simultaneously shows the AC and DC content of the voltage being measured and can plot readings from a few seconds to several days.
Direct Measurement or HV SmartProbe™
Vitrek’s 4700 precisely measures voltages directly up to 10KV – with no external probes. That’s high enough for most of the HV sources out there. However, should you care to expand your high voltage measurement range – just add one or more of the available 35KV, 70KV, 100KV and 150KV SmartProbes™. The Vitrek SmartProbes™ each store their own calibration data which is downloaded when they are plugged in to the 4700 – this results in high accuracy, calibrated readings and allows any Vitrek SmartProbe™ to be used with any 4700 High Voltage Meter. The SmartProbe’s™ proprietary, ultra-low TC attenuator design minimizes self-heating – while its lower capacitance construction technology enhances AC performance. In addition to the direct input terminal the 4700 has two probe inputs – use one probe to extend your measurement range or use two probes for making high voltage differential measurements.
Superior High Voltage Measurement Equipment
To ensure the best possible measurement accuracy, the 4700 makes over 40,000 reading per second which are then filtered, sub-sampled, scaled and offset corrected – all with “error free” mathematic methodology. The True RMS AC readings are as true as they come, while the DC measurements offer rocket fast settling with rock solid stability. In addition to this, the 4700 provides VLF AC readings down to 0.01 Hz, as well as peak to peak, crest factor and fundamental frequency measurement. Available G series probes offer extremely high input impedance options for electrostatic voltmeter applications.
High Voltage Test Automation
With Vitrek’s high voltage test automation feature, you can automate your HV test requirement with the 4700’s built-in Ethernet port, high speed serial communication port or available GPIB. The 4700 is fully programmable – so you can select your measurement mode and bandwidth, then take readings as often as desired. The 4700 high voltage tester also comes standard with a USB printer port, to capture readings and get hardcopy printouts of HV plots – so you can document the sag or overshoot in a typical Hipot test.
Available ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration
The 4700 and probes come with an ISO 17025 accredited calibration certificate with data at no charge. Vitrek is accredited to ISO 17025 by A2LA.
Detailed specifications
98x Teraohmmeter/Insulation Resistance (IR) Tester
The 98x Series Teraohmmeter meets today’s demanding requirements for higher voltage IR (insulation resistance) testing.
In a never-ending race for higher efficiency, electric vehicles and solar panel arrays are now operating with voltage rails up to 2.5 KV. This is no place for a 1 KV tester, it’ time to step up to a Vitrek 98x!
Built upon the same DSP technology that has established Vitrek as a leader in hipot test systems, the 98xi devices feature a unique combination of performance features including:
- Multi-dwell Functionality (multiple steps without having to return to zero between steps)
- High-speed Testing (with dwell times as low as 100 ms)
- Pico-Amp Leakage Measurement (with stable and precise 50 Teraohm IR readings)
- Continuously Variable IR Test Voltage (adjustable over the full output range of the instrument)
- Multi-mode Insulation Resistance Tests (three test modes – end on time, end on pass, end on fail)
- Capacitance Test Modes (critical for solar panels, cable harnesses and other capacitive loads)
For applications requiring insulation resistance tests of multiple conductors, the Vitrek 98X IR Testers have the capability of directly controlling up to four 64-channel Vitrek 964i high-voltage scanners. Utilizing a PC equipped with Vitrek’s QT Enterprise™ software, the same instrument can handle up to 1020 test points.
Detailed specifications

DL Series Electronic DC Load
Industry’s Easiest-To-Use DC Load – Vitrek’s DL Series Electronic Loads are available in multiple configurations to meet your unique application requirements. No other electronic DC load on the market today is easier to use. Equipped with a full colour LCD touchscreen display, the unit can quickly be set up for your next test. In addition, the DL is equipped with a comprehensive self-test that ensures that all loading and measurement circuitry is functioning properly.
Extremely Flexible in a Variety of Applications – The DL Series is equally at home generating kW, W, mW or μW loading. Whether you are performing tests for LED drivers, batteries or battery chargers, the DL Series is the right choice for these applications.
Maximum Accuracy — Maximum Features – The unit is fully featured with transient and wide band non-linear loading capabilities along with the additional feature of sweep capability. The DL Series Electronic Load provides high accuracy measurements (± 0.05%) of voltage and current with sweep steps as short as 20μs and pulsed loading up to 100 kHz. Units are fully configurable for loading riding and falling edge controls and soft-start capabilities. The DL Series provides excellent transient performance in timing and waveshape with the ability for the user to view the current and voltage waveforms using the internal scope. The device provides fully protected short loading with automatic current and power limiting.
Unequaled Visibility of Test Results – The DL Series provides graphical X/Y plotting of V vs I and V vs P characteristics using swept loading. In addition, the unit has a historical data logging capability, both graphical and numerical for additional test analysis and evaluation.
Flexible Integration in a Compact Package – The DL Series is just 5” high, 8.5” wide and 13” deep, allowing easy integration into any test bench. The unit provides a variety of interfaces including LAN, USB Device & Host and Digital I/O. In addition, multiple units may be used in parallel for static higher power and current loading.
Detailed specifications
We are happy to answer all your questions about VITREK Electrical Safety and Function Testing
Just give us a call or use the contact button on the right.
Ms. Witchayarai Petbundi (Nong)
TEL.: +66 (0) 85 323 7260
E-MAIL: info@exyneasia.com